DIGITAL DISTRESS. Social media takes up most of my leisure time and I have come to realise that it affects my life. It causes me a lot of anxiety and tension. As a woman, these feelings come from a fear of judgement and harassment. I feel that social media, as a public platform, reflects the complex predicament that all women in society face.

From preparing content to posting it online, tension is present throughout the whole process of image-based social media use. As a way of exploring the unrealistic demands placed on women in visual social media platforms, I have simulated the backstage of a fashion show, where social media users are forced to become models. 

Throughout this project, cable is used to weave armour and clothing. When dealing with comments online, we use the ‘armour’ we weave for self-protection, but also as a facade for the ‘perfect persona’ we all wish the world to see.


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Yanlin Cai