Lowenstein Arts Management Prize.

MACHINIC ECOLOGIES is a practice-led project exploring the interfaces between humans, technology and the environment through transmedia installation. The installation space stages a re-imagined landscape composed of screen-based works, 3D prints, robotic assemblages and generative sound. These works re-animate mundane yet strange interactions that occur between natural and artificial objects found in urban parklands. For me, these parklands embody a unique threshold where artificial and natural structures mesh to form a hybrid machine. Stormwater outlets pump greywater through the creek, transmission towers course electricity around the gum treetops, and bridge overpasses carry semi-trailers across the stream. Nature grapples with these anthropogenic conduits; water and mud erode the metal guardrails, moss grows on drain covers, tree branches slowly press up against the powerlines, and roots break through concrete. Machinic Ecologies is centred around these interactions and alludes to an ecology where technology and nature are no longer separable.


Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.2 (2023) Installed at the RMIT Gossard space
dylan marelić, ‘Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.2’, 2023 [Installation view: The Gossard Space, RMIT University]
Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.2 (2023) Installed at the RMIT Gossard space
dylan marelić, ‘Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.2’, 2023 [Installation view: The Gossard Space, RMIT University]
Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.2 (2023) Installed at the RMIT Gossard space
dylan marelić, ‘Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.2’, 2023 [Installation view: The Gossard Space, RMIT University]
Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.1 (2023) Installed at the RMIT Gossard space
dylan marelić, ‘Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.2’, 2023 [Installation view: The Gossard Space, RMIT University]
Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.1 (2023) Installed at the RMIT Gossard space
dylan marelić, ‘Selected Throwaway Interactions vol.2’, 2023 [Installation view: The Gossard Space, RMIT University]


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dylan marelić