A GESTURE OF GRACIOUSNESS is an exploration of the relationship between fractal formations, symbiosis and our relationship with all other members of the biosphere. I see fractal patterns, including their healing, connective and structural properties as essential to life, underpinning everything from the structure of a leaf, the strength of a tree, fashion trends, politics, relationships and social change.

A Gesture of Graciousness draws attention to the Earth’s magnanimity despite humanity’s domineering and exploitive relationship with her. At some point, humans have ripped this metal from the ground, modified it and discarded it when it lost its perceived worth, highlighting the linear and unsustainable nature of many extractive economies. Through the gracious act of corrosion, nature has began their quest to slowly reintegrate this metal back into their core forming beautiful fractal patterns in the process.

instagram: @sophialiddyart


Sophia Liddy A Gesture of Graciousness, 2023
Sophia Liddy, A Gesture of Graciousness, 2023.


Sophia Liddy, A Gesture of Graciousness, 2023


Sophia Liddy, in studio, 2023.


Sophia Liddy, in studio, 2023.
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Sophia Liddy