Ballarat International Foto Biennale GradFoto 2024 finalist.

The border official scrutinises your passport photo, comparing it with precision to your face. The thumping stamp signifies validation, a moment where image and reality converge.

Governments around the world use images to affirm identities, often relying on snapshots taken by untrained hands wielding basic equipment. If we think about just one aspect of an image, colour, this equipment has no hope of accurately recording it. Yet, despite these shortcomings, such images are accepted as unequivocal truth. I invite you to challenge this concept.

These larger-than-life portraits have been made to be studied. I use tools and meticulous lighting methods to capture colour-accurate images with extraordinary detail, the subjects holding colour checkers as a reference to perceived photographic practices.

Is there any truth to these images?

These works not only challenge the reliability of images but also ask the viewer to question our cultures long held belief in the image as a record keeper.


Each print is 2m tall, inviting viewers to engage intimately with the subject and the concept it challenges.

Matthew Parsons