THE VALLEY OF YELLOW FIRE sits in the Latrobe region, settled between mountain ranges in South-East Australia. The coal industry has dominated the region for almost a century, supplying energy across the state from three power stations: Yallourn, Loy Yang, and Hazelwood. The Valley is slowly transitioning from coal to renewable energy. It’s no lie that the fossil fuel industry has benefitted and profited from the exploitation of people and the land since its discovery during the industrial revolution.
This way of life has become unsustainable in the world’s current climate. We cannot forget that without it the world wouldn’t be as technologically advanced as it is. The difference now is that we know better, we know the damages it causes to our ecosystems. The damages that ripple through communities struggling with deindustrialization after large corporations discard their need for them.
How long can we hold onto the past before it catches up to us?