Robyn Beeche Award.

BON APPETITE – An expression of the personal experience of suffering resulting from eating disorder behaviours. An eating disorder is a combination of physical problems and mental issues. The reason behind it is beyond complex. Instead of investigating the nature of eating disorder as a psychological problem in general, I would like to discuss what eating disorder meant to myself with this project. I have been through binge eating behaviour and forced vomiting. I see binge eating behaviour as the consumption of overwhelming self identity. Food has been projected as reflection of my own. The process of chewing, swallowing, and digestion is the process of erasing the existence of myself, then I became invisible afterwards. Forced vomiting pushes the physical limitations of the human body. It could been seen as a way of self-cleansing, or a way that giving birth to a new start. Eating has become a ritual more than just an everyday behaviour to support basic life necessity. I use lens-based media to explore the concept of ‘eating myself’ and incorporate the sound of chewing as a background element to immerse the audience in the discomfort of distorted eating. Using moving images combining with sound aims to provide an immersive experience and allow the audiences to consider and rethink the act of eating.

instagram: @magichats