Dr Anthony Fryatt
Program Manager
Overall experiences from several teaching staff provided by Program manager Anthony Fryatt.

School: Architecture and Design

Year: 1-4

Cohort Size: ?

Delivery Mode: Concurrent, Online, F2F

High Effort

Implementation level: Very Hard
What L&T approach/technology did you implement and why?
Approach 1
Avoid Concurrent classes if at all possible and set class to fully online class.
Approach 2:
Concurrent class. Set student expectations and guidelines (Netiquette)
Approach 3:
Divide class into Online and F2F groups and assign a different teacher to each group.
Approach 1
Deliver a single class format to online students.
Approach 2:
None observed.
Approach 3:
Reduce workload, single type of delivery, standard online delivery
Approach 1
- Lack of student resources
- Lack of teacher resources
- Tech issues: Networks
- Student accessibility
- Local students as remote
Approach 2
- Student segregation especially yr 1
- Lack of student resources
- Lack of teacher equipment
- Tech issues: Networks
- Student accessibility
- Local students as remote
- Mixed format Online/F2F
- Poor language skills
- Lack of time to address student issues
Approach 3
- Timetabling
- Teacher resourcing
- Lack of student resources
- Lack of teacher resources
- Tech issues: Networks
- Student accessibility
- Local students as remote
Advice/ Tips
Approach 1
- Set student expectations
- Encourage collaboration
- Provide ongoing related activities
- Student as collaborators /class helpers
- Contact early & often
- Provide variety of outcomes
Approach 2
- Set student expectations
- Encourage collaboration
- Provide ongoing related activities
- Student as collaborators /class helpers
- Contact early & often
- Provide variety of outcomes
Approach 3
- Set student expectations
- Encourage collaboration
- Provide ongoing related activities
- Student as collaborators /class helpers
- Contact early & often
- Provide variety of outcomes
Student Experience
Approach 2:
- Mixed student experience
- Mostly negative from anecdotal student comments
- Lack of software access
- Network issues
- Further investigation needed