Employability & Careers
Find information and resources that support Work Integrated Learning (WIL), Career Development Learning (CDL), Industry Partnered Online Learning (IPOL) and Industry Partnered Learning (IPL).

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What is Employability and Careers?

On this page you will find information and resources that will help you provide learning experiences that enhance your students’ employability and career readiness.

Industry Partnered Learning (IPL) is the overarching term that encompasses a range of industry engaged and informed learning and assessment activities, and co-designed curriculum.

IPL goes beyond RMIT’s categories of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) (placements, industry partnered projects and WIL in simulated workplace environments) and broadens the scope to other forms of industry engaged pedagogies such as industry networking events, hackathons and entrepreneurial activities, industry mentoring, industry speakers and workshops.

IPL includes Career Development Learning (CDL) activities aimed at enhancing students self-awareness and proactive agency of their career management goals.

Why do you need to know about WIL and CDL?

As way of learning, WIL has lots of benefits for our students. WIL:

  • expands knowledge as students learn new professional skills and put theory into practice;
  • boosts students’ resumes and portfolios, increasing the chance of graduate employment in their field of study;
  • develops enterprise skills, such as problem solving, teamwork and interpersonal communication techniques, in work settings; 
  • gives students the opportunity to ‘test drive’ their intended industry’s work culture;
  • establishes a network that supports graduate recruitment and career development;
  • meets RMIT-mandated L&T requirements.

Overall, WIL is an effective way of getting students Ready for Work and Life. 

CDL into your curriculum provides students with a range of important advantages in life and work. It enables career management skills to be taught in context and supports an equitable and accessible model of career education. In addition, CDL meets the requirements of Section 83 of the Program and Course Policy and supports the performance measures associated with government funding for Australian universities.


Work Integrated Learning (WIL)

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) connects the classroom to the workplace.

Staff WIL Website

Access the Staff WIL website to find WIL definitions, governance documents, important information and key requirements, agreements, the staff WILReady Cred, quality design guidelines, reporting and InPlace support, resources, key contacts and Community of Practice.

Student WIL Website

WIL staff should direct students to the student WIL website before a WIL activity begins.

Student WILReady Cred:

Encourage your WIL students to complete the Student WILReady Cred.

RMIT Vietnam Students

RMIT Vietnam has its own, local, Student WILReady Cred Vietnam.

International Students

International students undertaking WIL placements in Australia will benefit from the following three credentials:


Where to next?

Career Development Learning (CDL)

Career Enrolment Data forms part of an evidence-based approach to the effective targeting of employability and careers support and strategies across HE and VE at RMIT. The CED Resource Package includes a downloadable Career Enrolment Data Guide.

Career Enrolment Data Instructional Videos

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning , available through the RMIT Library, supports staff and students build their LinkedIn profile, including courses which will allow you to display a badge of completion on your LinkedIn profile.

Careers and Employability Library Guide

The Careers and Employability Library Guide (built in collaboration with RMIT Careers) outlines some key resources to assist in career planning and job hunting.


Where to next?

Industry Engagement and Partnerships

Industry Partnered Online Learning

Industry Partnered Online Learning (IPOL) provides the opportunity to source industry clients primarily overseas for the purpose of bringing industry partners into the classroom via online platforms.


Riipen is a software platform that helps integrate IPOL into your courses. Riipen enables RMIT educators to freely access online industry projects for students. The platform works like a match-making service. Our educators put a description of the sort of project their students would like to work on. At the same time industry partners put up the sort of problems they want solved by university students.

Industry Engagement Team

The Industry Engagement team works in partnership with business, industry, community, government and University stakeholders, to enhance student learning, improve graduate outcomes, advance workforce development, and through applied research, provide innovative solutions to sector challenges.

WIL Partnered Projects Case Studies

Browse a selection of WIL Partnered Projects Case Studiessuccess stories from across DSC that highlight the scalability and impact of Partnered Projects.

Other Resources

School WIL websites, employability information, and other contacts, for further details: 

AUD, F&T, SoA:

M&C, SoD:


WIL enquiries should be directed to your Course Coordinator, Program Manager sent to pcpm@rmit.edu.au.


The School of Education WIL Team has a generic phone number and email: