DSC College acknowledges the innovative and scholarly teaching practice of individuals and teams in Schools. As well as sharing exemplary teaching more broadly, the L&T Rewards and Recognition process aims to nurture the professional development of individual teaching staff by affording reflection, support and mentoring.
Applications are designed as a scaffolding first step for reward and recognition schemes in the University and wider HE environment.

- All teaching staff in the College (ongoing and sessional) are eligible to apply
- Applications can be individual or team-based
- Applicants must have the support of their relevant Associate Dean and Dean
- Applications are evidence-based and demonstrate the basis of RMIT scholarly L&T principles
- Applications are short (800 words) and form the first stage for a University L&T award
- Applications will be called for in Semester 2, with submissions due in November and announcements in December
- Support and mentoring is available for preparation of applications
- College panel of L&T leaders will review applications
- Successful applications will receive a $1000 prize, and support for preparing future awards
Rewards Categories:
The following categories acknowledge practice responsive to College priorities/issues:
- Innovative use of digital technologies in the online or hybrid classroom: DSC embraces new delivery modes and hybrid environments
- Commitment to creative curricula: DSC recognises creativity as key to engaging students
- Innovative assessment and/or feedback that develops academic integrity awareness: DSC fosters students who will act with integrity academically and in industries
- Socially engaged curriculum: DSC recognises the role that our disciplines play in society
- Integration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and knowledge content into curriculum: DSC proactively acknowledges Aboriginal sovereignty and the need for reconciliation
Recognition of Sessional Teachers
Sessional teachers who have demonstrated exemplary practice in the above themes can be nominated by a colleague. The same application structure applies but the nominator and nominee collaborate to prepare the submission.
Application Structure and Criteria
The application is designed to demonstrate RMIT scholarly L&T principles to enable alignment and expansion for future L&T award and/or promotion applications. It will include:
- The issue (context and the problem) 100 words
- Your philosophy of teaching and the strategies used to address the issue (references to literature and best practice) 300 words
- Impact of your approach (feedback/evidence from student/peer/industry/university) 200 words
- Reflection/learning and your future practice 100 words
- Supporting documentation (up to 2 pages)
- Emails showing support of relevant Associate Dean and Dean
For advice and support please contact the DSC LT Team at dsc.lt@rmit.edu.au. Your School LTC chair can also advise you.
Applications are due November 30 and submitted to dsc.lt@rmit.edu.au