Rubric Information

Rubric Information Quicklinks What is a Rubric? Why Rubrics? Writing Rubrics Rubric Examples Support What is a rubric? A rubric is a scoring guide used to evaluate all aspects of an assessment task, the process, performance and presentation. Rubrics have three key...

Understanding CES

Understanding CES The Course Experience Survey (CES) gives students the opportunity to provide feedback on their courses and helps to improve the quality of the learning and teaching. The Survey responses are quantified through the Good Teaching Score (GTS) and...

Reading Lists

Reading Lists Integrated into Canvas Adhere to copyright guidelines Easily accessible for students  Share, like and comment on all types of resources What are Reading Lists? Leganto Reading Lists are an interactive and collaborative way of managing course learning...


Miro Live and visual collaborative tool Digital whiteboard Embeds into Canvas Free! What is Miro? Miro is a free, online collaborative platform. It is user friendly, flexible in its use and easily accessible for staff and students. Miro can be used for a range of...

Folio by Portfolium

Folio by Portfolium Profile to share skills and projects Integrated into Canvas Transferrable after studies Connect with peers What is Folio? Think of it as a student-first precursor to LinkedIn.  Folio by Portfolium is an ePortfolio platform that allows students to:...