Nick Bastin
Specialist equipment requirements and detailed practical demonstrations posed some challenges in teaching Goldsmithing to overseas students.

School: Art

Year: Mixed

Cohort Size: Approx 20 students, 4 remote

Delivery Mode: Concurrent

Medium Effort

Implementation level: Easy
Practical demostrations in the concurrent classroom were facilitated by the introduction of a webcam to show detailed practical techniques. Recordings and live streaming of these demonstrations have resulted in a fantastic benefit to classroom students who can view intricate work on a large screen in class and re-watch recordings along with their online peers.

Benefits / Challenges
- Using a large screen has really benefitted the face to face students as now they have a better view of the fine detail work being demonstrated
- The webcam was positioned on a small tripod and aimed directly at the teachers hands whilst demosntrating the techniques
- Recordings this would be of great benefit to all students to view later and re-watch sections
- Online students could not perform the same tasks as the face to face students due to equipment requirements
- Despite being of high quality, focus issues with the webcam were ongoing, as they are not designed for this type of capture
- Webcam overexposing details and light changes also affected the view
- Demosntrators hands also obscured the view of the webcam at times
Advice / Tips
- Using a specialist document camera could improve the quality of the video, with a shotgun micrphone pointing at the teacher