Create your own podcast with Garageband

by | Feb 12, 2021 | 0 comments

This step by step guide will equip you with the technical skills required to create your own podcast.

If you would like to produce your own podcast using GarageBand, you will need a microphone and Mac computer. We recommend sourcing the following gear from AV Loans:

  • Samson Meteor USB Microphone
  • Apple Mac Book Pro Laptop (with a USB input)

Simply email with the above list of items and the date that you require them. AV Loans will then confirm whether or not the gear is available. To pick up the gear, bring your staff card and collect the gear on the specified date.

AV Loans is located in Building 8, Level 7, Room 44 within the City campus. To view their equipment catalogue visit the AV Loans website.


Step one: How to set up GarageBand
Step two: How to record using GarageBand

After you have connected the audio microphone, you can now record directly into GarageBand.

Ensure that you have selected the correct audio input. This can be done when you first open a new project. Alternatively, open GarageBand > Preferences > Audio/MIDI. Then under the “Devices” heading select the correct microphone device under the dropdown box “Input Device”.

The shortcut to record audio using your microphone is the letter “R” on the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcut summary : Start or stop recording (R)

Step three: How to remove noise using GarageBand

Ideally you will be recording your podcast in a quiet location, however it is not always possible to control the level of background noise.

The video tutorial demonstrates how to remove noise from your audio, without sacrificing the audio quality.

Keyboard shortcut summary

Go to beginning Return
Show/Hide Smart Controls B
Start or stop playback Space bar

Step four: How to fade in and out using GarageBand

The video tutorial explains how to increase or decrease the volume by turning on the automation menu in GarageBand.

The automation menu appears when “A” is pressed. Automation can control volume, pan, echo and reverb. To control the volume levels ensure that “Volume” is selected. Then use the mouse to create keyframes and manipulate the audio levels.

Keyboard shortcut summary

Show/Hide automation for the selected track A
Step five: How to trim audio clips using GarageBand

The video tutorial delves into the specifics of how to split audio clips and remove unwanted sections of audio.

The video also demonstrates how to zoom into the timeline in order to see areas in more detail.

Keyboard shortcut summary

Split at Playhead Command-T
Zoom in Command–Right Arrow
Zoom out Command–Left Arrow

Step six: How to source stock sound effects and music

If you require sound effects and music for your podcast the resources on our website can assist you. Visit the image, music and video resources page to view a database of useful websites to legally source music through.

If you are looking for sound effects, the website is a great resource.

Website summary

Step seven: How to import and fade out music using GarageBand

The video tutorial will show you how to import new audio files into your existing project.

Additionally, the video will demonstrate how to use automation to manipulate the volume for any imported audio files.

Keyboard shortcut summary

Show/Hide automation for the selected track A
Step eight: How to crossfade music using GarageBand

This video tutorial demonstrates how to use the automation menu to fade in and out three seperate audio files.

It is also important to ensure that the audio levels are consistent across the entire project.

Keyboard shortcut summary

Show/Hide automation for the selected track A
Step nine: How to export your audio file using GarageBand

When you are ready to export your project, open Share > Export Song to Disk. This will open an export window where you can adjust the export file settings. The default will be an uncompressed .wav audio file however this will result in a large file size.

To export a smaller file size select the .mp3 file format. You can export your file with either high, medium or low quality and compare the file size.

If you are distributing your audio file on the Canvas LMS, ensure that you upload the file to the course Arc database. You can then embed this into your course page. Arc provides you with unlimited media storage and does not count towards your course file size.


GarageBand Shortcuts

Here is a summary of all of the shortcuts used in the tutorial videos:

Action Shortcut
Go to beginning Return
Save As Shift-Command-S
Show/Hide automation for the selected track A
Show/Hide Smart Controls B
Show/Hide the master track Shift-Command-M
Split at playhead Command-T
Start or stop playback Space bar
Start or stop recording R
Zoom in Command–Right Arrow
Zoom out Command–Left Arrow

A full list of the shortcuts can be found on the Apple website.